
Monday 3 March 2014

Our Filming Success

Firstly we as a group would like to show our thanks to our actors Noah Davis (Creegan) and Evan Drew (Toby) for their help and their amazing acting, thank you very much.
We feel that part of the success of our filming was thanks to our actors, the skill they showed us at both improvising and getting into their characters was outstanding, from easy aggression to social awkwardness they managed to play the characters we presented them with great realism and I feel in part that is what has made our Social realism effective at sticking to the codes and conversions.

Another success we had during filming was the numerous faultless shots which aided us in quickly building a large bulk of the film, also the fact we captured multiple scenes in different shot types and angles means during editing we can cut and splice easily to create a film opening with more varierty of shots.

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