
Friday, 6 December 2013

Film Opening Part 1

For our final piece, of which is to create a 2 to 3 minuet clip of a film opening, we (Ben, Luke and I) decided on filming a social realistic thriller based around the drug trade. We felt that using great films like "Train spotting" as inspiration would be a great help to us in the planning and filming stages of production.

Our basic film opening plot that we decided upon was a chase scene that would in fact take place half way through the film but we would use as a good opening as it quickly puts the audience in the action, also we decided that we would use a commentary over the start in the form of a video blog (Vlog).

The overall plot of the film was to follow the life of a "druggie" and the problems he faces on a day to day level. As a whole we felt that to make the opening a thriller would be simple in terms but to make the appearance that of one which follows the codes and conventions of a social realism would be far more difficult.

The roles we have selected are as followed:

Zach - Camera man, Lighting and storyboard creator
Luke - Script writer, Location / setting director and head of casting
Ben - Music provider / collector and sound manager

Also we will all be co-directors and editors.

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